Age and Service Requirement

To be eligible for benefits, a Member must:

  • Serve as a regularly qualified and commissioned Probate Judge or as the Secretary-Treasurer and be a member of the retirement fund for at least eight (8) years.
  • Terminate their official capacity as a Probate Judge or the Secretary-Treasurer.
  • Attain the age of 60 years.
  • File an application for retirement within 90 days after reaching age 60 or after terminating their official capacity as a Probate Judge or Secretary-Treasurer, whichever occurs last.
  • Have their retirement application approved by the Board.

If a retired Member becomes a full-time Probate Judge, their retirement benefits will be suspended during their service. Upon cessation of service, their prior retirement allowance will resume. A retired Member who becomes a full-time Probate Judge may elect to become a contributing Member of the retirement system again and be governed by the retirement provisions of this chapter.

Once accepted for membership, a Member must pay dues of $105.00 per month.